Modern Authors & Texts
Douglas Adams
Carol J. Adams
Christoph Anstötz
Thomas Auxter
Donald J. Barnes
Brian Barry
Marc Bekoff
David Cantor
Dexter L. Cate
Paola Cavalieri
Mark Carwardine
Stephen R. L. Clark
Raymond Corbey
Deane Curtin
Richard Dawkins
Jared Diamond
R. I. M. Dunbar
Joel Feinberg
Roger S. Fouts
Deborah H. Fouts
Gary L. Francione
Anna Francione
Jane Goodall
Wendy Gordon
John Gray
Lee Hall
Heta Häyry
Matti Häyry
Clive Hollands
Dale Jamieson
Peter Jenkins
Adriaan Kortlandt
Frances Moore Lappé
Jim Mason
Colin McGinn
Mary Midgley
Harlan B. Miller
Robert W. Mitchell
Robert Nozick
Alex Pacheco
Francine Patterson
David Pearce
Ingmar Persson
James Rachels
Tom Regan
Lewis Regenstein
Bernard E. Rollin
Richard Ryder
Steve F. Sapontzis
Harriet Schleifer
Peter Singer
Henry Spira
Marian Stamp Dawkins
Desmond Stewart
Betsy Swart
Geza Teleki
Donald VanDeVeer
Anthony Jon Waters
Peter S. Wenz
H. Lyn White Miles
Philip Windeatt
Jon Wynne-Tyson
Meeting a Gorilla
The Social Construction of Edible Bodies
Profoundly Intellectually Disabled Humans
The Right Not to Be Eaten
A Matter of Change
Why Not Noah's Ark?
Common Sense, Cognitive Ethology and Evolution
Items of Property
The Island of the Dragon
The Great Ape Project — and Beyond
Meeting a Gorilla
Apes and the Idea of Kindred
Good Dogs and Other Animals
The Pretext of "Necessary Suffering"
Ambiguous Apes
Contextual Moral Vegetarianism
Gaps in the Mind
The Third Chimpanzee
What's in a Classification?
The Rights of Animals and Future Generations
Chimpanzees’ Use of Sign Language
Chimpanzees’ Use of Sign Language
Personhood, Property and Legal Competence
The Silver Spring Monkeys
Chimpanzees - Bridging the Gap
The Case for the Personhood of Gorillas
A Report to the Academy
Fit to Be Tamed
From Property to Person
Who's Like Us?
Who's Like Us?
Animal Rights in the Political Arena
Against Zoos
Great Apes and the Human Resistance to Equality
Ask No Questions
Spirits Dressed in Furs?
Like Driving a Cadillac
Brave New Farm?
Apes, Humans, Aliens, Vampires and Robots
Persons and Non-Persons
The Concept of Beastliness
The Wahokies
Humans, Nonhumans and Personhood
Constraints and Animals
The Silver Spring Monkeys
The Case for the Personhood of Gorillas
The Post-Darwinian Transition
A Basis for (Interspecies) Equality
A Reply to VanDeVeer
Do Animals Have a Right to Liberty?
Why Darwinians Should Support Equal Treatment
Do Animals Have a Right to Life?
Ill-gotten Gains
The Case for Animal Rights
Animal Rights, Endangered Species and Human Survival
The Ascent of Apes — Broadening the Moral Community
Experiments on Animals
Speciesism in the Laboratory
All Beings that Feel Pain Deserve Human Rights
Aping Persons — Pro and Con
Images of Death and Life
Ethics and the New Animal Liberation Movement
All Animals Are Equal
Do Animals Feel Pain?
Animal Liberation at 30
A Vegetarian Philosophy
The Forgotten Animal Issue
The Forgotten Animal Issue
Fighting to Win
The Scientific Basis for Assessing Suffering in Animals
The Limits of Trooghaft
The Chimp Farm
They Are Us
Defending Animals by Appeal to Rights
From Property to Person
An Ecological Argument for Vegetarianism
Language and the Orang-utan
'They Clearly Now See the Link': Militant Voices
Dietethics: Its Influence on Future Farming Patterns